I think my New Year's resolution will be never, EVER to post under the influence of NyQuil.

I was in a strange, playful, drug-addled mood when I said that. I was just thinking that it was funny how people were debating the ethical ramifications of Superman helping others when he's just a fantasy. blush Curiously enough, when I'm sober the fantasy seems much more real.

To go back to the original premise of this topic - while I thoroughly enjoyed random moments in the fourth season, I have to agree with Caroline that the writing was uneven and contrived.

Mostly I just want to know - how the heck was he keeping Lois on the ceiling at the beginning of Brutal Youth? There's a little while there where she's laying on his arm, but that's it. He's not "holding" her there. Is it his magnetism that keeps her floating? Some kind of power transference when they made love? But then, if that's true, why is the blanket just laying there and not falling away? For that matter, why aren't her breasts more "down" than "sideways"? (Yes, make it logistically correct!)

The mind boggles.

Perhaps the fourth season writers were likewise high on cough syrup? (Or I still am...)

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis