If I recall correctly, HG Wells didn't write <i>Utopia</i>, Sir Thomas More did
My bad. HG Wells' book about Utopia was actually called A Modern Utopia. But he did write a book about Utopia.

Well, gosh, I am so glad to see so many others that didn’t like the Soul Mates episode.

And I'd like to think that you don't get turned off when a writer mentions God, but I suspect that's not so.
Oh, I do. Depends how big a mention, but I can stop reading a story if I feel that religion of any kind, or beliefs I don't share, are playing too large a role. Susan Stone's Aliens and Strangers, for example, isn't a fic I'd revisit for that reason. If I want a 'Christian' story, I'd go looking for one; if I want a fanfic, I don't expect it to be 'Christian' or 'religious' in some way.
So, I’m curious how you would feel if it’s briefly mentioned. I wasn’t particularly speaking of an entire fic based on religion. I know you haven’t read my epic, but I mentioned that the family went to church. That’s about all I mentioned. No specific religion was mentioned. So I’m wondering if you were reading my fic, would that brief mention have caused you to stop reading it?

Here's one brief quote:

“You didn't get much sun yesterday. I know you had hoped you could go to church with the family today, but I want you to sleep. When you wake up, I want you to spend the rest of the day outside. Okay?”

He nodded. “Are you still going to try to go? I'm sure the kids would like that.”

She smiled. “Ummm.... maybe. Someone needs to keep an eye on you.”
Then I mentioned someone else asking if Clark was going to church. Then I mentioned the family coming home from church. That's it.

So I’m curious if that would have stopped you from reading.

because I am one of the few people who really loved seeing Lois & Clark as a married couple.
Oh, I absolutely loved them being married, too. I liked most of season 4, but it just wasn’t as well written (for the most part).

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~