I've found that, when I'm looking for a particular fic that's not on the first screen of the fanfic section, I can use the Search link. I usually search in the TOC section for either the title of the fic, or the author's name, but I have been known to search the fanfic section itself, just in case there's a chapter that hasn't been added to the TOC yet.
Well thank you for the suggestion I keep it in mind, but I think it further illustrate that the presentation could be easier.

Mrs Mosley,

I would imagine that one reason we don't post FDK directly in the story thread is that would cause the story to be sent to the top with every response. Then we would all have to stop and try to remember whether we had read that story/chapter or not.
I hadn’t considered that. But still the fact that half of the threads would disappear should go a long way into making it more manageable.


I'm afraid that once a week is all that I'm prepared to do on updating the TOCs. I simply don't have the free time to update them every day or every hour, so that they are always immediately up to date.
And I hope you realize (and as I said the last time) that this isn’t a complaint about you not doing a good enough job. I certainly don’t expect someone to check the board every five minutes to make an update. But as I understand it, the purpose of the TOC is to make the jumble of threads in the fic section more manageable. Now imagine that some feature could make the fic section so easy to operate that the TOC wasn’t really necessary. Then you would have less job.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'mislabelled' story parts, Arawn. I don't think I've experienced that.
Sometimes, the authors don’t use the blue arrows, sometimes there is a tag that I just throws me off a feedback thread.


The password protection is there for a reason. My name is associated with this domain, this web host, and this site. I live in the United States where there are laws that I must follow regardless of what country you as the member are from.
Very well, if you don’t want to be associated with smut for personal reasons, or the general hassle I can understand that. But if you are referring to American obscenity laws this site would have nothing to fear, or so I’ve been told by American lawyers I know.

I understand how it must be an inconvenience to the users to apply for access to those forums; however that is something that is never going to change no matter how much complaining there is over it.
AFAIK I’m the only one who complained about it, and virtually everybody else thought it was a bad idea so my expectation weren’t that high, goofy that was why I mentioned it in this context, as a joke at my own expense, the forum tends to shoot down my ideas. But I have no problem with that, people thinks differently.

And I didn’t consider it as much a complaint as a suggestion to make the board more accessible. To someone like me, that has a password it’s no hassle. I was just thinking about casual browsers that might me sucked into the fandom by easier access.

However, this is one rule that we have no choice about, it will forever stand, and will never be up for debate. I ask that you do not question it and accept is for what it is.
Fair enough, if it’s your board, it’s your rules. I didn’t see anything in FAQ that mentioned that this subject was taboo.


Suggestions for improvement are always welcome, of course, but I'm sure those who gave of their free time to set up this site would appreciate it if we could tone down the unbridled criticism just a little.
If this was also directed at me it appears I come across as a whiner rather then the dynamic groundbreaker I imagine myself to be. I’m very sorry.
May I ask what is the difference between suggestions for improvement and unbridled criticism? (I’m not being flip, I genuinely seem to have a problem with it.) frown

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...