why not post some little something - good or bad?
I'm not sure everyone would agree with the above, Nancy. Even in the days when I read every story posted, I always opted for it being nicer not to say anything than to say something "bad". A lot of fanfic authors write simply for fun. Unless specifically requested, I avoid negative fdk, because I respect the feelings of those who are more sensitive to criticism and who write just to write. I wouldn't want to spoil their fun.

So, I'll admit that some newer authors didn't/don't get fdk from me, like some older authors. But that's out of kindness. I'm not going to say something "mean". I'm just going to pass on the stories in the future.

I just see so many fics and I wonder if some folks even try to read a few paragraphs to see if it’s worth it?
I do this. But as I mentioned before, it's really hard to hold my attention these days. smile I imagine it's even harder with those who are not into LnC anymore at all and, as Labrat said, stay mainly for the friendly atmosphere.

Some new authors get discouraged, pack up their words and leave writing without realising that it takes time to build up a reputation by "word of internet". The "trickle down effect" which may not work so well in reality is a very apt principle in fandoms.

My advice to a new author is: if you want to have people give good fdk to your stories, try reading their stories and sending them fdk. It's no fair expecting fdk when you fail to send any yourself. It's also a good way to get to know other people in the fandom.

Additionally, I can't overstate the importance of beta-reading for canon issues and especially for grammar. Nothing kills my fanfic buzz faster than a string of grammatical errors or blatant canon violation.

I feel for good authors who somehow get overlooked. That's really too bad, and I wish we could find a way to avoid it. I do know how it feels to have your work overlooked so I empathise. I still maintain that the burden of encouraging new authors to post is on the anonymous readers who don't feel moved to send fdk, not on those who do already. They suffer just as much as anyone when new authors stop writing, and they have the power to fix it.


Swoosh --->