Yes, I've seen boards where comments were posted right after the story part, too, and that doesn't really bother me. Keeps everything nice and neat in a way.

The board I'm thinking of (and like best, frankly) does it like this: Each author starts a story thread in the appropriate part of the forum AND, at the same time, starts their own feedback thread in the the comments section of the forum. So, one story thread, one feedback thread. Usually, the author will link to the feedback thread at the end of the story post - that way, no one has to go hunting for anything if they want to comment. The link is just right there and takes you straight to the comments, which is, IMO, even easier than using the back button and searching for the FDK thread here.

When they update the story, they go back to the original story thread and post under the first part. And again, they'll link to their feedback thread, which is still the same feedback thread they started the first time. It just grows and grows right along with the story. There's no real need for TOC's because the story stays in one piece and the comments stay in one piece, and when either are updated, they bump to the top so you can see they've been updated. It just seems a lot simpler to me.

However, I'm really not pushing for change. I know people are used to the old way and comfortable with the old way and probably take an 'if it ain't broke' approach to the whole thing. And I'm pretty used to it now, too, but it still strikes me as a little confusing, especially to the newcomers.
