I would like to see anything anyone thinks it worth a read, because there are those of us who are just here to read some great stories and since the archive holds such a sheer number of them, give us newbies somewhere to start please.

We mean no harm with our lists we just have busy lives and haven't been following the stories in the archive for years and had plenty of time to take them in slowly, they were thrown in our face in one chunk... and oh how we have loved every minute of it. I for one did a little "fanfic jig" at my desk when I found the goldmind that was the archive. So, let us make a few lists and don't get offended if you aren't mentioned. Hell, if you aren't mentioned and you think your story was pretty dang awesome, tell us about it and toot your own horn. Cause, I'll go read it if you do.
As another newbie, I absolutely second this. (As an aside, I wonder how long someone is considered new. Six months? A year?) All round this fandom produces good stuff, but due to sheer numbers I can't read them all anytime soon so a threads like these are helful.

Back on topic... I recently read LabRat's beautiful Shape of my Heart and highly recommend it. Others highly regarded: anything by CC Aiken, the Home series by Nan, the Future series by Tank, Duet by Shayne.

lisa in the sky with diamonds