It's okay to say X aspect wasn't my cup of tea, but to flamboyantly announce your exit and wave it in a writer's face just seems really insensitive.
I totally agree. That to me isn't criticism anymore but just being rude. There is a line that has to be drawn and even when giving a critic of a story you should always be polite and tactful and also praise them for their strong points.

I also agree that you should always write in the direction you want to take the story. But, keep in mind that some people are always going to suggest you do one thing or the other with a story. Why? Because some people love the story so much that they think about it in their spare time and wonder, "What's gonna happen next?" and sometimes we voice what we think might happen or how we invision it going down. It doesn't mean the author has to change it but sometimes there might be a little something in those request that will spark something in your mind and make you think... "Now maybe that was a good idea." There isn't any harm in taking a suggestion if you personally think it will make the story better. smile

Man, you guys have gotten me to come out from my little cave and ramble way more than I normally do. *puts on her hermit hat and goes back to lurking instead of doing a classic Lois babble* ^_~

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!