You offer some good advice, Jojo.

I have known readers through the years who've refused to give feedback a second time to authors who don't respond to their feedback threads. Readers need to feel appreciated just as much as authors do. Even if it's nothing more than a quick 'Thanks for all the feedback. I really appreciate it.' Personally, for myself, I always found it wonderfully stimulating, interesting and just plain fun to respond fully to fdk - the to and fro with readers' comments/suggestions/opinions was very enjoyable.

While authors may feel they have a legitimate reason for ignoring feedback - I know of at least one author who has a self-confessed superstitious fear of replying to their fdk thread in case it stops the fdk cold laugh - not responding is often seen as being rude or not appreciative that readers have taken time to post their thoughts on your story. A quick thanks goes a long way.

And I'd definitely second that don't post your story too fast. That's a big one. Play hard to get a little. laugh Don't rush to give your readers all they want, when they want it. Don't leave them hanging too long, but I'd say at least 24 hours between posts will garner you more fdk than if you rush to post several parts all in the same day.

Regarding listening to suggestions from readers - don't feel obliged to change your story because of something said in fdk. It's your story, no one else's, and most important of all is that you are happy with it. But it's always a good idea to be gracious in listening to suggestions and if 99% of readers have the same suggestion or reservation about something you've written, you know, maybe they're on to something. <g> Anyway, that kind of discussion/debate fdk has always been the biggest part of the fun of posting a story on the forum, for me. So long as you understand that you don't have to accept them, you can have enormous fun debating them with your readers.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers