I must admit that I wonder why it matters if an 'icon' doesn't post. Does that make feedback from one particular person more valid, more respected, somehow? Sure, I can understand the thrill an author would feel if they opened a comments thread and saw "Wow, XXXX read MY story!" But does the fact that no XXXX has posted make the feedback that is there any less constructive, any less genuine?
No, but I think many newbies lurk for sometime before taking the plunge. In that time they will build up an idolization for certain authors, sometimes those authors might very well be the reason why they take the plunge, when these authors post in their feedback threads it gives the newbies a "touched by god" moment. Perhaps they even feel that they have managed to give something back to their idols. Praise from people we revere always means more then random people on the internet.


Yes, Caroline, what you said about making friends is true. I guess my point is is why some folks (the folks that are still very active) automatically ignore the newer authors. (You know they do.)
Caroline gave an explanation for this, Old timers sticks around for the buzz after they lost the feverish fannishness. And their sparse feedback is more motivated by friendship then interest in the fandom itself. ie they don't give new stories a chance because they are not really interested in stories anymore.

I don’t have time. I know not everyone posts on fics they read, but I still wonder why that is.
Time is one factor, but to me it’s also a psychological aversion to simple patting people on the back, I know it’s appreciated but it makes me feel empty. Also I only read WIP's from authors whose work I know I like. (and this isn't always a quality decision) I give other authors a whirl when they get to the archive if the blurb fits my preferences.

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...