(Of course there are a few writers that it might be better if they did stop. I think you know what I mean, LabRat. I just emailed you about it.)
I haven't received any email from you, Nancy (yet), so to be honest I haven't the faintest idea what you mean by this. Although now I'm deeply intrigued. laugh

But I have to say that I, personally, know of no authors who shouldn't be writing and posting here. If a writer is having fun making up stories and wants to share them with other fans, well done to them, I say!

One other thing I wanted to comment on and forgot to last time. The idea that these days it's only new readers who are commenting on new authors. (Sorry, I can't remember who it was who made this point.) Although I think this is true only up to a point, it seems to me to be not only entirely inevitable, but pretty normal, besides.

As you say, the bulk of old timers have moved on to other pursuits. A new influx of writers has come along. With them, has come a new influx of readers. We are, in effect, seeing the 'next generation' of the community interacting together.

So it seems obvious that these will be the people commenting on stories these days. The new FoLCs who are currently active. Just as we once had a group of people who wrote, read and commented, they have moved on and been replaced by a new group. Such is the way of forums and fandoms. I seriously doubt this forum is any different in that respect to the hundreds of others out there.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers