Psst, Labrat... this is the perfect time to ask people to help you with the TOC's. ^_~ I want to help you... I was fighting with myself in the car this morning to volunteer, but as I run 2 websites, a live journal community, have a cross stitch I have to finish by february, and I also run a staff of about 100 people for another hobby I have... I don't think it is wise. LOL

On another note... I know some people were talking about the slow down of the IRC channel. Who owns it? X decided that the "Manager" hadn't logged in for a while and has decided that the ops level 400 and above should pick a new manager. So.... someone should look into that. smile

Also, taking a second to tell the staff of the site that they are awesome and thank them for giving us a place to play. You are a very organized bunch and the amount of time you put into everything is amazing. smile

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!