DJ is helping me with my latest attempt (part 2 should be done today)
Oh good... <DJ rubs her hands together>

Yes, I have that problem... reading while writing. If I want to get any significant chunk of writing done, that leaves me very little time to do any reading. And since I am a beta reader for several people and am reading their stories, that cuts on down my reading time even further.

I did get sucked into a longer fic recently (Darkest Dreams). I knew I shouldn't have started it when I did, because I really didn't have the time. But darn it all if it didn't suck me in and knock me on my butt. It's the only story I have time to follow right now, though, on top of everything else.

<DJ stumbles out of thread mumbling "too much to do - too much to do... shouldn't have even posted this...">

P.S. - Oh, and thanks for the mention, Sara, I'm totally blushing! blush

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.