However, I tried to at least keep up with my favorites, like Nan Smith (whoa, now there is a shocker!
Yes, I love the family tree that you did. (And before you put it up, I’d done one of my own… Hehe)

So, does anyone else have the issue where if they are seriously getting writing done that they can't seem to read as much?
I still read quite a bit, but I can’t read as much when writing. One thing that really slowed me down was doing four betas at once which I’ll never do again. I enjoy reading too much.

Oh, and thanks for the mention, Sara, I'm totally blushing!
Me, too… blush

JoJo, your ‘tips’ were right on. Although that thing about taking a while to post… Sue about drove us all nuts making us wait. (Of course, I guess I have to agree with the idea of waiting.)

I have known readers through the years who've refused to give feedback a second time to authors who don't respond to their feedback threads.
Yes, I’ve probably done this LabRat. I do think the author needs to be a part of their feedback thread and acknowledge their feedback.

not responding is often seen as being rude or not appreciative that readers have taken time to post their thoughts on your story. A quick thanks goes a long way.
I see it that way.

well, a year ago, a lot of us were writing for the fundraiser DVD. So all that fanfic-related effort was going on, it was just effectively invisible.
I don’t think I ever did find out how to get one of those.

Yes, Pam. I have always found you to be friendly.

The nfic FDK threads for Faustian still leave me in slack-jawed amazement.
Sue, they leave us all in slack jawed amazement. Has Ann provided a count recently? Wasn’t it up to something like 600 posts? You really are an absolutely awesome writer. (And anybody who hasn’t read Sue’s stuff ought to do so right away because she is one of the most amazing authors I’ve read anywhere .)

And also, on a somewhat related note, is there some reason there couldn't be separate sections for FDK and stories? I've always wondered about that, and it was one of the few things I found very confusing about this board when I first came here. The blue arrow helps, of course, but it sure seems like it would be simpler to have stories in one forum and FDK in another.
I’ve wondered about that, too, but I do like them being together like they are here. It might be nice if the fics were set off some other way than by blue arrows. I wouldn’t mind them being separate if it’s not like it is at fanfiction.net though.

I am a member of both boards and made a point of staying completely out of the disagreement
Yes, I’m a member of both, too (as are many here). That whole thing actually added to me leaving lurkdom for awhile and going away completely. (That wasn’t the only reason.)

What I don't agree with is what I've seen of people saying things along the lines of "I don't like where this seems to be heading, so I don't think I'm going to read any more." I understand that other people might not think it's that big of a deal but it really, really irks me.
Yes, this irks me, too especially when it becomes a mantra. Just because you don’t particularly like something about a story doesn’t mean that story isn’t still good.

It's okay to say X aspect wasn't my cup of tea, but to flamboyantly announce your exit and wave it in a writer's face just seems really insensitive.
Everything you said was very well said indeed, Alcyone.

It doesn't mean the author has to change it but sometimes there might be a little something in those request that will spark something in your mind and make you think... "Now maybe that was a good idea." There isn't any harm in taking a suggestion if you personally think it will make the story better.
Well said, JoJo.

Usually, the author will link to the feedback thread at the end of the story post - that way, no one has to go hunting for anything if they want to comment. The link is just right there and takes you straight to the comments, which is, IMO, even easier than using the back button and searching for the FDK thread here.
I’ve seen links to feedback done in the stories *here* and I like it. But it’s up to every author to do it. I’ve been known to do it, but I tend to be lax about it.

Interesting what you said about so many stories being churned out, Shadow. Sometime recently, I saw 4 or 5 fics posted here back to back.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~