Yvonne, I’m grateful that you took the time to explain what bothered you. I can (often) be rather dense.
I much rather have people tell me that my zipper is down then trying to hint at it in some oblique fashion.

I'm sorry you appear to have such difficulty in understanding my request.
I’m sorry about that too. I’ve have never on this board deliberately tried to be offensive.
I enjoy heated discussion, but I get my fill of that in other places. I come to this board to soak up the fluffy bunny atmosphere, at the same time I want to give something back to you and the other writers who have given me so many hours of entertainment. So I raise issues and suggest things that I think might give you more recognition.
Since it so relaxed around here, I wasn’t that circumspect when I brought up the password issue, but I have understood that it hit a nerve. Since the material is so good I thought I would do the writers a service by suggesting a more open access. I’m sorry if I stepped on any toes.

I also wanted to say that I hold this board in great esteem. Perhaps you recall when I raised the issue of uncommon organization? While my experience with fanfic is limited, everything I know of the internet suggests that this board is well run and that the administration does an excellent job.
For me, criticism is most often a sign of respect. If I find something mediocre or hopeless I would never bother to type something down(The exception would be if my life depended on it or something). Really, nothing in this world is so good that it can’t be better.

"I’m glad that I’m not the only person that thinks that the current fic layout board is a nuisance."

You know, I’m actually embarrassed reading that. It was in relation to the next sentence, but even so I perfectly understand if you find it offensive. When you find something a problem and discover that no one else agrees with you, you start to wonder if it's you, hence the “joy” that I wasn’t the only one that found it problematic. I never saw it as vindication that I gotten one over the administration, as it can be perceived, and I apologize most profusely if it was taken that way.

"Hunting down all the part of a new story that quite often is mislabelled is most often a pain."

I thought this was what you meant. And I miswrote this sentence. it would be more true say “sometimes” instead of “most often” nuisance instead of pain.
It didn’t accurately describe my views and was perhaps coming on to strong. I’m sorry.

"Even finding my favourite authors can take minutes."

Perhaps it would be more polite without the "even" otherwise this is simply an observation and is quite correct, I find it relevant in the context.

I'm sorry that all the examples of unbridled criticism come from your posts but, unfortunately, you do seem to be the most talented at this form of discourse.
Well if I’m quite happy that you took me as an example, I asked for it, and it gives me a valuable opportunity to reflect on how I express myself.
I’m not sure "talent" is a word I would use for abrasiveness (at least when it’s not intentional), I see it as more of a handicap. By your sentence I take it that you consider it a pattern in my posts?

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...