This is good to hear that so much of your feedback has been for new authors, Kathy.
I swear that last night, when I wrote and rewrote the dang thing five times, that my comments didn't read so much like "please give me a pat on the back, I give feedback to new authors" as they do now! Sorry about that!
I didn’t think that at all, Kathy. Really, I didn’t. I’m glad that you said that.

That's a very strong skew in favor of the newcomers to this part of the L&C fandom. You guys are the predominant ones doing it all these days: writing and offering feedback. As others have said, maybe this is just the natural cycle of many a fandom.
Yes, you might be right. And you probably are. Very interesting. That explains a lot to me.

ust realised that there is, of course, a typo in my last post - the bit you quoted, Nancy, about discussion threads. I meant, of course, I was enjoying the recent discussions in the LNC folder. Not the LNC thread. So, keep up the good work there, guys.
Well, I don’t mean to be dumb here, but I lost you… Do you mean the LNC forum?

And that same word of mouth process has operated for years on irc, as Karen says. Fanfic was always a hot topic of conversations in #loisclark.
And by #loisclark do you mean the IRC or the Yahoo group?

LabRat (who is now going to go to bed and try and get some sleep, considering it's just after 4 am now... <g>)
I feel for your days and nights being so turned around.

Wendy, are you sure we can't twist your arm a little and get you to give us a little fic? How about a DW cross-over? (That would be awesome.) Or have you done that, and I missed it?

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~