I realize that no one is asking specifically why I am not posting, but I can only offer my perspective. Maybe elements of it also ring true for others.

My heyday in posting feedback was for about 18 months right after these boards opened in 2003. I had lurked on Zoom's since 2000, but had never posted feedback on any story. When these boards first opened I was very active. No, I didn't post feedback on every story, or every story part, but I commented on many of the stories posted. During this time, NEW authors included Lynn, CC, Elle, Sara, Roger, Jo, and Aria. I commented on stories by all.

Now I'm posting very little feedback at all. Some of the reasons are common to many people, some are reasons solely my own. I am highly embarrassed to admit that I only made 10 blush feedback posts in Fanfic in 2006; however, 5 were for stories posted by authors who will all be eligible in the New Author category this year. And ALL of my posts in nfic have been to authors new or almost-new to the fandom this year. That means 50% of my posts in Fanfic have been for stories by new authors. Admittedly, since the number is only 5 it's a pretty abysmal account. Most people would probably have said "Oh, Kathy almost never gives feedback anymore" and they'd be right, but it seems that when I actually do offer it, it's to comment on a new author as often as an old one.

When I was a "newbie" to posting I commented on many things, including stories by the new authors. Now the "newbies" to posting are commenting on many things, including the new authors. The same pattern holds.

Maybe many of you will continue to be prolific posters even after several years. I wish I could be, and one day I hope to be participating more again.

And on a different note:
guess I must be one of those folks where it flows. Because I also post long feedback. But why do all the rephrasing and editing? (Yes, I do some of that.)
It's taken me 40 minutes to write and rewrite this before hitting the ADD REPLY button. Maybe I do more editing than I need to (yes, I do realize that this isn't a letter being sent out to some important dignitary), but it's very important for me to try to explain my thoughts as clearly as possible. When you don't have the tonal qualities that color what is being said, misunderstandings can easily crop up. And they have - both for me and for posts that I have responded to - more than once, so I prefer to err on the side of caution. And I'm equally careful with a feedback post, since I am commenting on an author's "baby", and I want to say it "just right".


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5