One idea I've had from time to time is the idea of having only one feedback thread per story - no matter how many parts there are. It would certainly cut down on the number of folders and then if you get a good discussion going, it wouldn't get cut off by posting a new part. Just a thought.
I kind of like this as an idea - and Caroline's similiar idea from earlier - but logicstically I think Wendy may be right. It would probably end up a very long thread and be a nightmare to download for those with a slow internet connection.

I know that Sue's feedback over in the nfic folder isn't exactly the norm, but could you imagine all of those fdk threads combined into just one? Yowsa! goofy It would probably take three years to download.

Even fairly standard fdk would probably add up to quite a long thread if the story was fairly lengthy.

So it's probably not a flier for that reason. Pity though, I think.

LabRat smile (who shouldn't really be back here, but couldn't resist checking her pc on the way back from the loo. I so have to get out of that habit... <G>)

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers