You may actually have just answered all of this LabRat. So why did the oldies move on - almost en masse? Was part of that because the boards split? (I suspect that it was.)
Nope. laugh You'd suspect entirely wrongly there, Nancy. I'm talking about a year or so back, relatively recently. Long after these boards were set up. Nothing to do with the split. And mostly it was just ill circumstance, a lot of different reasons coming together at the same time by chance. No plan, no huge event that precipitated it. Mostly it's just been a natural progression to moving on to other fandoms, other interests. Or other venues.

I understand, for example, that irc has gone quiet and many of the old timers who used to hang out there don't any more because they've mostly moved on to using Messenger to chat with instead. Again, there was no group concensus on that, it just happened that bit by bit they drifted over, in ones and twos, mostly without knowing till they got there that others were doing the same.

It happens. People move on to other things. It was just a little unfortunate that many of them moved on at roughly the same time and that most of them were some of the fandom's most prolific authors.

But I think the reasons they moved on were pretty varied. Some are writing for other fandoms now, some have just lost interest in writing/reading as I have, but still hang out here for the company, to varying degrees.

Just realised that there is, of course, a typo in my last post - the bit you quoted, Nancy, about discussion threads. I meant, of course, I was enjoying the recent discussions in the LNC folder. Not the LNC thread. :rolleyes: So, keep up the good work there, guys. wink

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers