Originally posted by Arawn:
But hey what do I know? I’m crazy enough to believe that a non-password protected smut section would be a good idea. :p
I wanted to just chime in on this one point. I have not read all the posts in this tread but I feel that I should defend our decision regarding this.

The password protection is there for a reason. My name is associated with this domain, this web host, and this site. I live in the United States where there are laws that I must follow regardless of what country you as the member are from. Let's not forget to mention that there's also a term of service agreement (TOS) for the web host.

In reality there is no password protection on the forums we just allow certain members access to them. It just so happens that those members must be over 18.

I understand how it must be an inconvenience to the users to apply for access to those forums; however that is something that is never going to change no matter how much complaining there is over it.

Weigh that against a complaining parent who accuses me of allowing a minor to access "porn". Who will win this fight? Especially when I am able to provide proof that their innocent child lied to gain access.

I also know that most nfic authors would not post their fanfic if that protection was not in place.

Some rules of the site were agreed upon by the original moderators and admins as a group and may certainly be debatable. However, this is one rule that we have no choice about, it will forever stand, and will never be up for debate. I ask that you do not question it and accept is for what it is.

Thank you,

Annette wink
Boards Chief Administrator


"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America." Bill Clinton, inaugural address, January 21, 1993