I'm afraid I disagree. This is only an informal list, after all, and I'm sure some writers won't be offended at not being mentioned if they've already received some recognition at the Kerths
I don't think this is really true wink . We writers can be very thin-skinned. When I see a list like this, I'm secretly hoping someone will have mentioned something of mine, regardless of whether or not I've won an award or whatever (and thanks, Paul, for mentioning ID wink ).

This is not to say that we can't have lists like this. I just wanted to point out that you can't underestimate the fragility of writers' egos wink

In the meantime, some of my all-time favorites that haven't been mentioned yet (not at all an exhaustive list, just those that come to mind at the moment):

- Just about anything by CC Aiken, but especially In a Better Place and The Late Great Lois Lane.
- When Friends Become Lovers by Kathy Brown and Demi, and the sequel When Lovers Become More by Kathy Brown
- Meet Me In Kansas City by Chris Mulder.
- Echoes of the Past or the Without a Superman series by ML Thomson
- Tryst by Pam Jernigan
- Smallville 39 by Kaethel
