Speaking of "conversations." It seems to me like the fandom hit its peak maybe a year ago perhaps? I wonder about this because when I was searching for an answer to a fanfic related question, I had I ran into a bunch of really interesting discussions on the show, fanfic writing, fandom, etc. It seems for obvious reasons that the fandom in general was much more active (although I might be wrong in this impression). It's such a shame that a lot of those discussions don't happen so much any more. Either way you "old timers" were lucky to have had the chance to participate in so many great discussions
Alcyone, I have thought the exact same thing. We do have some interesting conversations now (the Faustian FDK threads certainly spring to mind) but they don't seem to be as frequent or as varied as I have seen in older threads. Also I often run across stories in the archive that were in response to wildy varied challenges, and we don't seem to have that much lately either. When I see stuff like that I really regret that I wasn't in this fandom years ago to have been part of all that.

lisa in the sky with diamonds