And also, on a somewhat related note, is there some reason there couldn't be separate sections for FDK and stories?
Maybe I just came from lazy fandoms, but I made a remark (when I was an LnC newbie--oh, back in February) about how strange it was to me to see the feedback SEPARATE from the stories themselves.

See, in BOTH of the fandoms I'd been active in before, when someone posted a story, they set the thread to automatically alert them if there were replies (if they wanted), and everyone posted feedback in the same thread as the story (or chapter). It just seemed strange to post the feedback in a whole separate thread!

Then, I asked what that was all about over here, and the answer kinda made sense--although I can't remember the exact reasons given.

That said, coming from such so-called "lazy" fandoms, I kind of see moving the feedback into a whole different forum as a bit of overkill. Not to mention, because of said laziness, I for one am not inclined to read a story, then go into a whole different section of the boards just to post feedback, when now all I have to do is hit the back button on the browser, then either find the right FDK thread or start one of my own.

I have to admit though, that with the FDK threads separate (but still in the same forum), I've left a TON more feedback for stories in this fandom than in either of the other two COMBINED. And I was active in those for a longer amount of time by months, in one of them by YEARS!

"You take turns, advise and protect one another, even heal or be healed when the going gets too tough. I know! That's not a game--that's friendship!" ~Shelly Mezzanoble, Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl's Guide to the Dungeons & Dragons Game

Darcy\'s Place