MLT, I don’t think you asked for sympathy, but I’m really sorry about your tribulations, chronic pain is truly hell on earth, and I hope you will be able to read some the outstanding work that has been produced here in recent time. Anyway I’m selfish enough that I rather see you writing if you can. I don’t have to stretch saying that you are one of the main reasons I’m in awe of the collected work of the L&C community. So I’ve difficulty imagining that “iconic” isn’t applicable. sloppy

I’m glad that I’m not the only person that thinks that the current fic layout board is a nuisance. (I was starting to believe there was something wrong with me.) Even finding my favourite authors can take minutes. Hunting down all the part of a new story that quite often is mislabelled is most often a pain. The TOC section isn’t helping much since it’s a week old and somehow doesn’t seem to contain what I was looking for. Or perhaps I just suck at information retrieval.
Some while ago I suggested that it should be rather simple to post feedback on the story thread, but was shot down thoroughly, I think the word tradition came up.

But hey what do I know? I’m crazy enough to believe that a non-password protected smut section would be a good idea. :p

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...