But, keep in mind that some people are always going to suggest you do one thing or the other with a story. Why? Because some people love the story so much that they think about it in their spare time and wonder, "What's gonna happen next?" and sometimes we voice what we think might happen or how we invision it going down. It doesn't mean the author has to change it but sometimes there might be a little something in those request that will spark something in your mind and make you think... "Now maybe that was a good idea."
Extremely well said, Jojo! Even as a reader I love going to fdk threads and reading people's speculations. Sometimes people are able to think up stuff that have me saying "wow I totally didn't see that." Regardless of whether it actually happens later or not, it's a really fun way of 'waiting' for a new part. smile

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan