
Oh, don’t get me wrong. I love my feedback, too.
When I read this, I realized that my post might have been confusing. I didn't mean at all to suggest that you didn't appreciate the feedback you receive. Good heavens, no! My point was actually later in the paragraph, but my wording wasn't clear, and I do apologize for that.

I don't know that I agree with you completely on this issue. Or, rather, I agree that the situation probably exists to some extent, but I see it as a natural part of fandom - an initiation period for new authors, if you will. Those that stick around and prove themselves will build a following eventually, even if it doesn't happen with their first story.

That said, you've inspired me to be a better reviewer in the future. I'm planning to do quite a bit of catch-up reading when I finish the current WIP, and I hereby promise to review each author faithfully, either here or privately. smile

