Because some people love the story so much that they think about it in their spare time and wonder, "What's gonna happen next?" and sometimes we voice what we think might happen or how we invision it going down. It doesn't mean the author has to change it but sometimes there might be a little something in those request that will spark something in your mind and make you think... "Now maybe that was a good idea."
Oh I voice all the time what I think might happen! But to me it's sort of like fanfic'ing the fanfic if that makes any sense ROFL. The whole reason we write fanfic is to say 'what if' to the show. Now we're saying 'what if' to our 'what ifs'. It was like when I spent the summer scribbling down what I thought might happen after Clark left for New Krypton. I cared WAY more about what TPTB would come up with than whether or not I thought any of my ideas would actually fly. And I care way more about what authors come up with than what I think might happen. It's just...fun. :p


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy