So, does anyone else have the issue where if they are seriously getting writing done that they can't seem to read as much?
Absolutely. I especially can't read in the fandom I'm writing in, though I will sometimes take a break and read in other fandoms. But if I'm writing L&C fic, I can't seriously read it at the same time. A vignette here and there, maybe, but not a longer work. It messes with my head. And my characterization. I just can't go from someone else's long work and jump back into my own. I admire authors who can, but I never have been able to, even when I had slightly more time for fandom than I have now.

And time, of course, is a big factor, too. I have a tiny little window of time to devote to fandom these days, and I can either use it to write or use it to read and do other things (like posting here). I simply don't have time to do both.

