I don't think the fact that I choose to write and post fan fiction should confer an obligation on someone else, especially if it's an obligation that for whatever reason makes them uncomfortable.
I agree, Caroline. But I was responding to what I perceived as criticism of those who do choose to post fdk. If there is a derth of fdk, it can't just be blamed on those who have already put in their time over the years giving out fdk. It also has to include those who, for whatever reason, didn't choose to give fdk. It's their right, but it's also their loss too so they need to share in the blame if it's being doled out.

I do think a new wave is moving in here, and while it makes me sad to see people I admire and respect move on, I'm also happy that the fandom continues. What excites me most is that many of the "moved on" still visit occasionally and often take part in off-topic discussions on writing in general and so forth. I value their insights into the process; just being in this fandom has greatly enhanced my authorial skills--although it has also shown me that fanfic is NOT my forte so it's a good thing I wasn't planning on making a living with it!

And as far as word-of-mouth on IRC, I discovered all the new authors Wendy referred to in her post via that medium. I'm so glad they let me in on the greatest stories I'd never read smile


Swoosh --->