Well, I've been around since early 1999 and posted my first story that year. I don't know where that puts me on the "older writers" category, but I think that leaves me out of "icon" status, thank heavens <g>.

I'm just getting back into writing again after an enforced near-hiatus of about 5 months, and I'm still catching up on a million things that I let slide during that time, including writing two stories that need to be finished soon. I've been reading the stories as they hit the Archive, since I don't yet have the time with everything that is still going on to read all the stories being currently posted. Someday in the distant future when life settles down to a sprint, maybe I'll be able to go back to my old style of reading stories as they are posted. I do read the comments, and occasionally get too curious for my own good and end up reading one of the current "in progress" fics, however. When I do, I'll try to make an effort to drop a line in the future.


P.S. And by the way, thanks to those who mentioned some of my stories as "classics", although I'm a little stunned ...

Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.