Originally posted by MrsMosley:
This is completely off topic, but, then again, most of this thread is anyway!

See, we're of the opinion that we *won* that fight by refusing to fight, and just leaving instead
Can someone please tell us what the fight was about in the first place? I know that I am not the only newbie absolutely dying of curiousity concerning what caused the schism.
I know I am not a moderator, but just a citizen of this board, but... grovel please DON'T Respond to this request here, I beg you. grovel

Do it PM or by email. Some members of the other board are also members of this board and I, for one, have been enjoying this thread, as is. I don't want a rehash of what I think was one of the most miserable times of my life in this community! frown


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!