It was meant as a compliment though [Smile]
(though I wouldn't really know whether I'd feel praised if somebody told me "I'd like to read what you write but I hardly understand anything." But I hope you get my point [Wink] )
Oh, yes - I wasn't at all offended by your comment, Jana. I just kind of blinked in surprise when I read it, because that the vocabulary I was using in my stories was any different from any other story out there just wasn't something that had ever occured to me before.

So, yes, thank you for the sweet compliment. smile And for persevering with those stories! laugh

So, I'm not sure these lists do succeed in looking beyond the Kerths to any great degree.
Well, this is just one list, Carol. Out of many. I don't think you can generalise about them to any great degree. And this list is kind of skewed towards Kerth nominees/winners because it's specifically looking for 'the classics'. Rather than just good fanfic in general. That tends to gravitate towards the Kerths. Other lists might be more generalised.

Although, there are many classics which never made it to the Kerths, of course. I could probably list a few if my memory wasn't shot to pieces these days...

LabRat smile (wishing she hadn't lost her personal favourites list...)

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers