Y'know, reading through this, a thought occurred (rare, but true) -- when we're talking about "a year ago" having seen a dearth (well, dip) in writing/posting/commenting... well, a year ago, a lot of us were writing for the fundraiser DVD. So all that fanfic-related effort was going on, it was just effectively invisible. And given the nature of the project, it sucked in a fair number of "icons" and consumed the time they already didn't have much of.

I'm looking forward to being able to actually *post* my story somewhere. I'm glad to have contributed to the fundraiser, but I got very little feedback. I believe the organizers have said DVD fics should be exclusive for at least a year, so maybe next April lots of stories will just appear as if by magic... laugh when their authors are finally allowed to post them. That'll be fun smile

I have been aware that I've got reduced time and interest in L&C fic, for maybe the last year... it's been a gradual change. But as LabRat said, that hasn't got a thing to do with the boards split, and if you're thinking of the same "icons" I'm thinking of, then I'm confident it hasn't affected any of them that way, either. See, we're of the opinion that we *won* that fight wink by refusing to fight, and just leaving instead, and were just delirious with joy to have these brand-new boards to play in. These boards, actually, kept a lot of writers in the fandom by providing an alternative to Zoom's boards, which were kinda hostile at the time.

Oh, and I gotta tell you -- it's seriously weird to have someone get all excited about meeting you (I understand it, I guess, 'cause I've done it myself, but it's still seriously weird). Fun for a little while laugh but I much prefer hanging out with friends, rather than groupies. Thankfully, I haven't had many of those!

I hope I've been friendly with everyone and that no one thought I was snooty. (What I am is *snarky* which anyone can tell you wink ).

What I *also* am at the moment is rambling, so I think I should shut up now. Besides, these people who pay me money to sit at a desk 40 hours a week actually expect me to work! Imagine!


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K