I guess my point is is why some folks (the folks that are still very active) automatically ignore the newer authors. (You know they do.)
I don't believe that I ignore newer authors. I post here these days if I have something to say. Or if I've read the story and enjoyed it. Who the author is doesn't really come into the equation for me; it never has done. What counts is the tale and whether I'm having fun with it.

Actually, to be honest, these days my main criteria is length. I tend to only read vignettes in the main and only then when something about one in particular has sparked my attention. I spend less time in the Fanfic folder than I used to, but I do tend to check it over regularly because I'm an admin, looking for anything that needs to be deleted, moved etc. Along the way, now and then, I see something that catches my eye and intrigues me, so I'll check it out. Who wrote it – I couldn’t care less. laugh

But you have all these friends there, so even though you've reached the point where the thought of reading or writing one more story about _____ makes you slightly queasy, you can't bring yourself to leave the fandom entirely
Caroline sums up perfectly where I currently am with FoLCdom. I simply lost all interest in writing or reading LNC fanfic. By this point, normally, I would have long since moved on to reading/writing for other fandoms, other shows.

In fact, I have moved on in my watching habits – I had quite a long burning obsession with Stargate for a spell and other shows have long since replaced LNC in my affections. But I haven't moved on emotionally from FoLCdom because I have good friends here, I like the atmosphere of these mbs (which are way more polite and friendly than most out there) and so I stick around because I enjoy the company.

It's for the latter reason that even though I don't tend to read much fanfic these days, I do still trawl through the comments folders for them, now and then. I still enjoy the debate, the conversation on fanfic. And, every now and then, I see something that makes me want to comment, too. Or something that intrigues me and so I'll go check out the story. Time factors – and, again, general disinterest in reading anything very long – mean that's usually on the odd vignette.

So, no, it's nothing personal.

This topic has, of course, come up in the past. And I do know that many have answered that they just don't have time in their busy lives to read everything that's posted. So, naturally, they tend to pick out the authors they know they enjoy, who they can reasonably assume won't disappoint them. Yes, this means new authors don't get a fair shake, but you can't force people to read. And I don't believe that anyone reading stories here should feel obliged to post fdk.

I do feel for new authors trying to get attention and am saddened, often, even bemused, by good stories which just don't seem to get noticed the way that they should. I've often spent time trying to think of some way to solve that one, but I've never come up with anything. Perhaps readers could make the time to choose one new author to take a chance on and add them to their reading list. They might just be surprised by what they find. Of course the problem with such an 'Adopt a New Author' scheme is would the same new author get all the attention and all the others still be ignored. laugh There are no easy answers.

And it’s not only the ‘icons’ who don’t post feedback. There are several others. Some people are afraid to post feedback because they think they might look stupid.
Remember that you don't have to post fdk on the forum! If you enjoyed a story, but feel shy or awkward about posting your thoughts on it in public, there are very few authors out there who wouldn't be delighted to find feedback in their email. Which is another point. Just because you don't see someone posting fdk here, doesn't mean they haven't offered it. Perhaps they did in email or PM.

It seems that a lot of the older authors aren't commenting on fanfic at *all* anymore. For example, while we do see Wendy and LabRat on the boards, it's not usually in the fanfic folders. I just assumed that it was because real life got in the way or their interests veered in another direction.
And, see, you were right. <g> Actually, to be honest, I really, really wish I could still drum up some interest in reading LNC fanfic.(Or, come to think of it, any fanfic. It's not just LNC. I haven't found any interest in reading Stargate or other fanfic for quite some time now, either) I really miss being involved in the fandom and this forum to that extent. Sometimes, I think I'm missing out on all the good fun. goofy But I'm afraid the interest just isn't there, other than the occasional spark as mentioned above, and I simply can't force or fake it.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers