All right, JoJo, this wasn’t my intention in saying what I said above, but I thought you said once that you read everything on this board. So have you read any of my stories? Yes, I know my monster fic does not include Lois and that turns many off. So I'll be brave and ask if you've read any of the others. Twisted? What about Defeated? I’ve been told that both are pretty good. (And not just by folks on this board.) Have you read anything by Woody? Bakasi? Olympe? Lara Moon? (Those are recent new authors that I remember off the top of my head.)
I have. I have also left comments for several of those authors. I usually read a lot during work however and don't always leave comments because while they don't care if I read stories they frown upon forum posting. I will sneak FDK for a few people here and there though if they produced a story that really hit me or if I think it is a great story and no one is reviewing at all. There are however a few authors that are new that I have read and don't really care for on their writing style. Not to say that is the case if someone hasn't gotten FDK from me but I don't normally go about naming them so as to not offend them.

In other cases I think there are a lot of new authors who have a lot of potential but need a good BR or two to help keep them on track to refine a few things. They have great stories and thoughts but their writing needs a bit of polishing. However, it is not really my place to step forward especially since I can't offer my time as that BR (to many obligations already and I'm terrible with comma usage). That would be the only time I would personally suggest it to anyone. Plus, people seem a bit touchy about their writing and I never know if they would take it as a genuine suggestion to help them improve or an insult. This being said we have a lot of great new authors but I think some of them need some work before they are Kerth award material in my eyes. But... it isn't my eyes who decide. ^_~ I'm just a random person who popped up a few months ago.

EDIT: and to clarify the above, I think with a bit of work we have a ton of people who are Kerth worthy. All our authors are awesome though and talented wonderful people and I am left in awe of them all daily. ^_^

Anyway, enough rambling about that. I'm not sure if I have read any of yours Classicalla but I will make sure that I do that this week. laugh

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!