*grumbles at Sue and her love of being evil*

Actually I should probably grumble at you more for spreading that evil influence over to people you beta for.

*glares at DJ*

What Sue was really trying to say is the more you torture and delight in your readers "misery" (or pretend misery since we all loved every minute of it) the more FDK you will get. Haha... (Just playing with you Sue and DJ I adore your evil streaks. *hands you some pitch forks and pointy pointy beards and horns to wear*)

Caroline: It's amazing the habits we all pick up from other places. I was actually quite confused by the FDK system here when I first popped in. I had never been on a board like this before. Most of my experience has been through places like ff.net or live journal communities. So it took me a bit of time to get used to it. One thing I do in order to find all the stories is to go to the TOC boards. That way I can easily find all the chapters and FDK threads. It's the only way I can keep things straight sometime.

So authors should always add their story there so we can keep up with them easily. laugh

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!