My advice to a new author is: if you want to have people give good fdk to your stories, try reading their stories and sending them fdk. It's no fair expecting fdk when you fail to send any yourself. It's also a good way to get to know other people in the fandom.
Yes, I do this. And I’ve gained a reader or two by doing so.

Additionally, I can't overstate the importance of beta-reading for canon issues and especially for grammar.
Yes, I wholeheartedly agree, Capes. Bad grammar is one of my biggest hang-ups. (And I remember a rather lively discussion with you over grammar and whether it’s: Kryptonite or kryptonite. rotflol Thanks for the fond memories…)

And yes, I suppose if authors are going to ignore canon then they need to tell you that. I suppose the author shouldn’t assume that the reader will know the author knows or doesn’t know whether or not this is canon.

I feel for good authors who somehow get overlooked.
Well, I hope you guys don’t think I did this because I feel overlooked. I get some wonderful feedback, and I appreciate all of it. It’s just that I’ve been watching when other new authors post, and I was wondering if this was the typical phenomenon.

I still maintain that the burden of encouraging new authors to post is on the anonymous readers who don't feel moved to send fdk, not on those who do already.
Yes, anonymous readers need to post. I for one am still I embarrassed because I lurked so long. There are so many stories that I wished I had posted feedback on.

This being said we have a lot of great new authors but I think some of them need some work before they are Kerth award material in my eyes.
Oh, yes, you are right. There are some authors that I also don’t care about. And some that have had good stories and have had others that are not. (And by the way, the authors I mentioned truly are the ones that I thought of off the top of my head.)

Okay, have I thoroughly ruffled everybody's feathers now? blush

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~