Exactly, Nancy. Which is why, as a reader, I feel obliged to let the writer know *why* I'm not going to read the story till the end. Otherwise, the writer will wonder why there's such a lack of FDK, or, in case it's a longer story, where have the previously regular reviewers gone. (It's happened to me, and I didn't like it.)
Well, I don’t mind hearing this. I rather thought that Alcyone’s statement was talking about folks that say, “I’m not gonna read your story any more if you don’t do such and such and such… In other words, they expect you to change your story to fit their needs. I don’t mind being told by someone that they aren’t reading or are going to stop reading and why (I truly want to know.), but there’s a difference between telling you politely and ramming it down your throat about how much they hate what you have written. I’ve had both happen.

For example, a comment like "I really love the way you write, but *this kind of fanfic* doesn't really interest me, so I'm not going to read any further" seems more like an apology than negative feedback. I'd go as far as to say that it's actually positive feedback; the writer can rest assured that their writing is good enough to even be appreciated by non-fans of the genre!
Yes, I totally agree.

I've been observing some of the comments here and the language being used by one or two of us, and have a friendly request to make.
Oh, Yvonne, I hope you don't think I was one of those who haven't been friendly. I promise that wasn't my intention. I think I've caused enough of a firestorm as it is. I don't want to be seen as rude on top of that.

I'm afraid that once a week is all that I'm prepared to do on updating the TOCs. I simply don't have the free time to update them every day or every hour, so that they are always immediately up to date. So if you want more regular updates than that, you're going to have to start begging the authors to take the time to set up/update their own TOCs whenever they post a story segment.
I would never have thought that I could do my own TOC’s until I tried, so I’d encourage other authors to do the same. And, Labby, I appreciate all you do for us. (How do you do it all anyway?)

But there's no denying that swapping the title and commentary around on a header would help me out a fair bit. So any move towards that is much appreciated.
Well, when I start feedback headers, they are usually pretty boring, but I’ll remember this Labby and make sure that I don’t do this. Anything I can do to make your job easier, I’ll do. Again, thanks…

I also know that most nfic authors would not post their fanfic if that protection was not in place.
I’ve only posted one of those, and I agree. I would not want a minor to have read it.

Some rules of the site were agreed upon by the original moderators and admins as a group and may certainly be debatable. However, this is one rule that we have no choice about, it will forever stand, and will never be up for debate. I ask that you do not question it and accept is for what it is.
Well said, Annette.

Also, taking a second to tell the staff of the site that they are awesome and thank them for giving us a place to play. You are a very organized bunch and the amount of time you put into everything is amazing.
Hear, hear!! clap clap

You know one thing that might make the TOC’s easier to navigate is if they were alphabetically driven instead of date driven. But I have no idea if that’s possible. I have a feeling that it would too much hassle for you admins. (I can usually find what I’m looking for by using a search anyway.)

Posting each subsequent part of a story in the same folder? That might work. I think the reason it wasn't done originally was that it would take too long to load for those on dialup.
It probably still would take too long for those with dial-up. (Thank goodness, I was able to stop the dial-up a month or so ago.)

Maybe if authors could be conscientious about posting a URL to just the previous part of their story that would help folks. (I’ll do that.)

One idea I've had from time to time is the idea of having only one feedback thread per story - no matter how many parts there are. It would certainly cut down on the number of folders and then if you get a good discussion going, it wouldn't get cut off by posting a new part. Just a thought.
Oh, my, I don’t think that would work. Just take a look at Sue S. Faustian Bargain feedback threads. I just looked and one of them (at least one) has 115 replys.

LabRat [Smile] (who shouldn't really be back here, but couldn't resist checking her pc on the way back from the loo. I so have to get out of that habit... <G>)
Hehe... Glad to know I'm not the only one that does that kind of thing...

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~