On another matter, you mention 'icons' who don't post on fic, Classicalla. Are you thinking of anyone in particular? Because maybe some of the people you might have in mind aren't really around much any more. I know in the last year or two a number of the older writers have moved on to other things, other fandoms or just don't have time any more. There are all sorts of reasons why people don't post feedback, and it doesn't necessarily mean that they didn't read the fic, or that they read it and didn't like it.
Yes, I know some have moved on - in more ways than one. But there are still icons hanging around here. (And you’ve got to know you are an icon. What LnC fanfiction fan hasn’t read a great Wendy fic?) And I know some of you are pretty busy. I just wonder if some of you know how much that would mean to get a little tidbit? Like Sue S. said: Feedback is like a drug. When Yvonne posted on my fic, I was on Cloud Nine. Surely, I’m not the only one that feels that way. I know some of the newer folks don’t even know who some of you are, but there are a lot who do. I don’t think I could even begin to mention all the great ‘icons’ and I’d be afraid of offending someone anyway. But you aren’t the only ‘icon’ who has posted in this thread.

As I’ve said before though, sometimes even a smiley would be nice. I post on everything I read, and sometimes a smiley is all I’ve had time for. And no, I don’t read everything. I don’t have time. I know not everyone posts on fics they read, but I still wonder why that is. I also try to email the author of every fic I read on the archive. Of course, sometimes that doesn’t work since the emails no longer work. I guess what I’m trying to say is that authors need to know that their work is appreciated. (I’m sure you’ve got to know that.) And when can we twist your arm and get you to write LnC fics again?

It’s just that I’ve noticed that sometimes ‘icons’ post on fics from authors that are also considered ‘icons’, but they don’t post on fics for other authors. And some of those newer authors are pretty darn good.

Yes, Caroline, what you said about making friends is true. I guess my point is is why some folks (the folks that are still very active) automatically ignore the newer authors. (You know they do.)

It seems like I did use everyday and every day when I was younger, but now the lines are blurred.

That’s true about Thanksgiving, Kathy, but I was thinking more of it as the date. I always think of the Canandian Thanksgiving Day as the Canadian Thanksgiving Day and the American one as the American one. I don’t associate the two as the same.

Now, perhaps this doesn't conform to a strict dictionary definition, but for me, to be a "classic", a story has to have withstood the test of time.
Yes, you are right. I probably should have started a new thread, but I was quite frankly too chicken to do so.

I don't know, but me - I have to go back and rephrase, edit, then edit again before finally ending up with a post that's nowhere near as long.
Yes, I can understand that. I guess I must be one of those folks where it flows. Because I also post long feedback. But why do all the rephrasing and editing? (Yes, I do some of that.) Like I said, a smiley is always nice….

I must admit that I wonder why it matters if an 'icon' doesn't post. Does that make feedback from one particular person more valid, more respected, somehow?
No, it doesn’t. I value ALL my feedback as I’m sure all authors do. My point is that some folks don’t seem to give new folks a chance. I try to make a special effort to do so. (I probably fail miserably.) And it’s not only the ‘icons’ who don’t post feedback. There are several others. Some people are afraid to post feedback because they think they might look stupid. I felt that way for many years and I can think of a lot of people that I should have given feedback to that I didn’t. I’m sorry for that.

Don’t get me wrong, Kathy. I’m not begging for feedback. It took me years to finally post my fics, so I’m not going to stop now. It’s just that I’ve noticed that newer authors - NOT just me - (some of whom have written great fics) don’t seem to have the feedback that they should have. Even having someone say, “Well, I tried to read it and I just couldn’t get into it.” would be great. (And I’ve been told that, and I appreciated it.)

Nan, you are an ‘icon’. Your stories are among my favorites. (And by the way, I’m sorry I haven’t posted on Super Cop II. I want to read Super Cop I first.)

So, anyway, I’m hoping you guys didn’t take this the wrong way. It’s just something I’ve been wondering about.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~