No, but I think many newbies lurk for sometime before taking the plunge. In that time they will build up an idolization for certain authors, sometimes those authors might very well be the reason why they take the plunge, when these authors post in their feedback threads it gives the newbies a "touched by god" moment. Perhaps they even feel that they have managed to give something back to their idols. Praise from people we revere always means more then random people on the internet.
Well, said, Arawn.

I'll say this: I appreciate feedback on my stories. Genuinely, honestly appreciate it. I'm delighted when someone lets me know they're enjoying something I've written. It's not the reason I write it
Oh, don’t get me wrong. I love my feedback, too. And it’s also not the reason I write, but yes, I’ll stick by my guns and say that sometimes the newer authors are ignored. (And me bringing this up isn’t the first time I’ve heard it. I’ve seen it in older threads, other boards / fandoms, and I’ve heard it in emails. I’ve even emailed a couple of people encouraging them to post their fics on this board, and I was told they were intimidated by the idea.) I’ve seen newer fics be posted and it may be awhile before anyone posts. A rare few don’t even get a nibble.

but I read at the archive and enjoyed myself almost indecently, yet never sent a single e-mail to any of the authors I admire. I don't really have a good explanation, either. I just...didn't feel like de-lurking, didn't feel like popping my head out.
Even when I lurked, I often tried to tell authors that I liked their stories when I read them on the archive. Maybe I’m just different than most folks.

That was my choice. But why would I now expect the authors I admired from afar as a reader to drop everything and rush to read my stories?
No, you misunderstand. I’m not suggesting they drop everything and read my stories or any other new authors. This idea about new authors being ignored was presented to me a few months ago. So I started watching. I haven’t read all the newer stories by newer authors, but I have from time to time checked feedback. I’ve found a pattern there - the one I’ve already mentioned. Now, if I had time, I’d like to do a statistical analysis of it, but hey.. I don’t.

In fact, for months I was far more prolific in writing for DW than I've ever been in L&C.
More? Good gadfries, girl, that’s a lot of writing.

But I haven't really noticed anyone here commenting selectively, that is, leaving FDK only for certain people.
I have. And I’ve been watching.

Then again, I haven't posted a story either, so maybe I should just keep my big mouth shut!
Sure you did, Mrs. Mosley - Damn Good Thing. I read it, I know. (And I double checked to make sure you wrote it.)

Can imagine if I sent Wendy an email for every one of her stories? After a while she might think, I get the point, you annoying girl, leave me alone!
Would an author really think this? I mean if you kept going on and on about the same story, it might be different, but would they really get upset about getting an email for each of their different stories?

Nancy, you might try sending them a PM here on the boards. Although obviously not everyone is on the boards, but a lot are. Also I often feel strange sending emails to people I don't know (no idea why) so a PM is more comfortable for me.
Yes, I know, but some of them are long gone from the board, too.

Hopefully it will also encourage lurkers to not be afraid to post a little feedback sometimes.
Yes, Capes, this is one of the things I’m trying to say. For so many years, I read and read stuff on the archive (and here). Did I ever tell the authors how I felt about their stories? Rarely. Until recently, I think the only folks I’d ever emailed was Wendy and Nan. I’m ashamed of myself for doing that because I’ve read about ½ the stuff on the archive.

It's possible, but in true Bloomian fashion, the burden is on you to insert yourself into the tradition by outdoing your predecessors. It's not fair, but it's reality.
I totally understand this. I just see so many fics and I wonder if some folks even try to read a few paragraphs to see if it’s worth it?

Along the way, now and then, I see something that catches my eye and intrigues me, so I'll check it out. Who wrote it – I couldn’t care less.
Well, Labby, I ‘m not doubting that (I know you are busy), but this made a thought occur to me. If all the stories were posted without authors listed, then how would we choose our stories? I’m not suggesting this happen (I know that’s been done before, and I really don’t want to go there again.)

Yes, I know everyone is busy. I hope all of you haven’t taken this the wrong way, but it truly is something I wonder about. I wonder how many authors have just quit writing because no one has given them a nibble. (Of course there are a few writers that it might be better if they did stop. I think you know what I mean, LabRat. I just emailed you about it.)

This topic has, of course, come up in the past. And I do know that many have answered that they just don't have time in their busy lives to read everything that's posted. So, naturally, they tend to pick out the authors they know they enjoy, who they can reasonably assume won't disappoint them. Yes, this means new authors don't get a fair shake, but you can't force people to read. And I don't believe that anyone reading stories here should feel obliged to post fdk.
Just think what might have happened if no one had given Sue S. a chance? We might not have had that soon to be classic Faustian Bargain. Yes, like I said, I understand the reasons, I just wanted to know if people realized they were not giving new authors a chance (evidently a lot of folks do). And I wasn’t suggesting that people should feel obliged to post feedback. I’m just saying that people should be more conscientious about it. If they *read* something, then why not post some little something - good or bad? And I know there are a lot of people who read but never post a thing. I know because I did it for years.

Perhaps readers could make the time to choose one new author to take a chance on and add them to their reading list.
Exactly!! But you wouldn’t want just one new author ‘adopted’. I see that more as each reader adopting a person not the board adopting a new author. I just read two new stories last night - both from new authors. Of course one of them has been around the boards for a while, but I only found one other thing posted. Even if I don’t continue to read those stories, I gave them a shot - and I posted feedback. What I’m trying to say is that once in a while folks need to give the newbies a shot. Yes, I know everybody is busy, but the *next* time any of you are looking for some little vignette to read or some new story to read, then give a new guy a shot.

Remember that you don't have to post fdk on the forum! If you enjoyed a story, but feel shy or awkward about posting your thoughts on it in public, there are very few authors out there who wouldn't be delighted to find feedback in their email. Which is another point. Just because you don't see someone posting fdk here, doesn't mean they haven't offered it. Perhaps they did in email or PM.
Yes, you are right. I’m just trying to encourage people to do so. I never realized the importance of it or the significance of it until I posted a story. I’m sure there are so many other people who feel the same. It is important!! New or old author - it’s important.

(Or, come to think of it, any fanfic. It's not just LNC. I haven't found any interest in reading Stargate or other fanfic for quite some time now, either)
But I bet like most of us, all of you will one day again have your interest piqued. When it is, give a new author a shot. Okay? I do totally understand the above. I can’t for the life of me imagine reading anything Star Trek now.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~