Tsk, tsk, tsk....

One takes a little time off for a bit of a holiday, and look what happens.

Okay, this has gone beyond a joke. I can grudgingly accept one person masquerading as somebody else from my dimension, but two? This is just... ludicrous!
Ludicrous... Now that was just the word I was looking for when I found this quaint little thread. Here you are ranting about impostors, when you yourself are the biggest impostor of all! Granted, you get points for deciding to impersonate me. It shows excellent taste. It doesn't, however, excuse your befuddled attempt to slander my good name in this universe or any other!

Living in a bunker with rats?

Trusting anyone named "...just Jack..." with a gun around the lovely Lois Lane?

Cutting Lois' hair?!

I think you've proved beyond a doubt that you are not who you claim to be. It's understandable, really. Everyone wants to be like me. It's a burden of fame and fortune. What concerns me most, however, is who you really have locked up down there with you. If it truly is my Lois, then you had better pray that Superman finds you before I do. If it is someone else, then you are in serious need of help. To think you could have mistaken anyone else for the real Lois Lane... Well - yet more proof you are not who you say you are.

I can see why the young woman so desperately wants to part company with you.

Lois, have no fear - I'm sure you will be rescued. I'll start on it immediately. One moment... Nigel, I have a job for you.

Now, where were we? Oh, yes. Lois - don't worry. And Clark? Nice try, but the real Lex is here, and I wouldn't dream of letting anything happen to Lois. Lois, dear, we'll get the best wig money can afford - don't worry. I'll love you regardless of what that monster has done to you.

And "Lex," I feel truly sorry for you, but I must insist you stop this horrible behavior now, before things get truly out of hand. Your actions have discolored my reputation and integrity. I'm already drawing up the necessary legal proceedings to ensure that your actions don't tarnish my good name forever.

Rest assured, people, the Real Lex Luthor is here.

The One and Only... Lex Luthor