Lois: You're hopeless. The program is mIRC - Jimmy told me about it. Just click onto this site: www.mirc.com - and download the program. Trust me, it's not that difficult to figure out.

When you're all set up, type this command - /join #rescue - into the little bar you see at the bottom of the screen. Then, hopefully, we can get talking... and I can figure out where you are, and rescue you. Don't worry about Superman - he knows the situation. We'll get you out of there one way or another, honey - just hang on.

Anna, thank you for your welcome. It's nice to see that people still support us...

Luthor, I think it's you who 'needs help' as you so eloquently put it. Lois is here, and she and I will figure a way out of this. No matter where you run, no matter where you hide, Superman and I will find you.

I don't know who this actor 'Dean Cain' is, but I can now assure each and every person reading this that Superman's motives are completely and utterly pure. He has no wish to 'take over the world' or 'brainwash your minds' - he's here to help. Luthor is the evil one here - please believe me!!!

Clark frown

"You're a weird guy, Clark, that's a given."

-Lois Lane