Dear Anna: I must say, I am very disappointed that you do not seem to understand my point of view. Wanting to send Superman to capital punishment is a worthy trait, considering all the evilness that he has inflicted on the world. Nevertheless, rest assured, I am a good person - just rather unique, and one whose ideas are often cruelly disparaged.

I must bring a point I made earlier to your attention:

Be well pleased that this 'Dean Cain' has not yet reverted to the dastardly deeds of his counterpart, and hope and pray that I may manage to convince you people of his wickedness before he strives to come out.
So, you see, Dean Cain is simply biding his time, waiting for the right moment in which to strike. Whether this moment is in a day, a month or a year, I do not know and have no way of knowing, so I have chosen to warn you ahead of time, and try to bring you around to my way of thinking before he decides to reveal himself, and sucks you all into his vile trap.

Dear Ms... whoever you are: Thank you very much for the warning about Jack. I am having him watched, and should I note anything suspicious, then he will be swiftly and severely... fired. Also, I must tell you that every time you rant on about nothing in here, I have the security surrounding my Lois tightened... just a little. Not saying that there is any remote chance that she is doing this, but just in case.

Queen of the Capes: You seem to think that I am somehow dim-witted. I do know quite a bit about Superman - unfortunately for you, that also includes the knowledge that lead is the only known substance that he cannot see through. I would imagine that it would shield the rays of the Kryptonite from him, rather then amplify them. Nice try.

Your point about this 'Bruce Wayne' is interesting, to say the least. However, I cannot find a place called 'Gotham City' on any map. Are you quite certain that you have the name right?

Hello there, Paul. In response to your question - at the time of my initial post, it was only my love and I taking residence in this place. Later, as I managed to convince some of the residents of *my* world of Superman's evilness, I was joined by Jack and friends. There are quite a few... the only ones I can remember now, though, are Jimmy, Joel, Skip and Skin. The others all look somewhat alike - and besides, a man such as myself does not need to know the names of ALL his subordinates.

Good idea for the impostor to try emailing that uncultured hick, Kent. However, it will not work - mainly because the real Lois is not using a computer, and, even if she were, Kent would not be able to even begin to guess what to do. So the issue is null.
Laura: Your query is true, though I have yet to hear from the dedicated scientists working there. I am sure that in time they shall provide the nuggets of information I need to take Superman down.
As for your second question, I am afraid that I cannot permit that. There is already a person masquerading as my love - I do not need to go to the trouble of having another 'LoisLane' around and complicating matters. In any case, rest assured that there is no need to worry. She is perfectly safe, thank you for your concern.
I hope that we are not getting off track from our primary objective here. I see that there is already a slight improvement on the attitudes of people. I pray that we shall see more advances before our time together ceases.

Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.