Suggs With a Box, wow, I'm incredibly honoured to be listed in the company of such fantastic writers. Thank you! blush

Thank you for the explanation on your online name. I never would have guessed it. I was thinking along the lines of "suggestion box," and wondering why you might take that on as a moniker. I fear there's nothing particular interesting about the "S.M." part of mine; those letters are my middle and last initials. (I was amused by your ideas, though.) I had originally wanted to sign on simply as "Lynn M.," but was surprised to see that there had been someone on the boards using that already. S/he also had even written several pieces of fanfic. If you go over to the archives, you'll see separate listings for her stories and mine. But if "S.M." had stood for something else, it probably would have been "Superman's Mine." (Hey, a gal can dream.)

I am indeed a teacher. In fact, I am a mild-mannered teacher of computer networking and information security at a local community college by day. (By night I am a divorced mom of a mostly sweet -- but beginning to act like a teenager -- young man with special needs. I squeeze my L&C-related activities in when I can.) I haven't had a chance to watch Sherlock; it's on my someday-when-I-retire-and-have-more-free-time list. What do you think of it?

Susan, There's another connection between B5 and L&C: Jason Carter, who played the whiner in "Whine Whine Whine" played a very different, and much more sympathetic, sort of character in Babylon 5.

Time to awaken D.S. and start getting ready for school...
