OK, no problem. After all we did the Cain/Hatcher gossip thing before.

As for the villainy, I guess I could write it well, but actually doing it would be impossible for me because I am a good person, or at least I try to be. If I had a resume worth submitting, I would submit it to DC and/or Marvel. I don't think either would be too happy if they hired me though.

At Marvel, the One More Day deal? Reversed. Aunt May Parker? Dead. Thor and Mrs Skywalker? Never happened. Yoda Vs Venom? Coming to a comic book store near you.

As for DC, well Superman outed to the world as Clark Kent and the Kents killed as above, Alfred would be killed by the Joker who would know that Bruce Wayne is Batman, Wonder Woman would be trapped in the Phantom Zone for 2,000 years of subjective time and as for Lois Lane?

Lois would be transported to 70 years in the future by a villain that hasn't been made up yet, a kind of mix of Tempus and Zod, and she'd have to cope with adjusting to living in a new time with a Clark who just got his first grey hair. In other words, I'd shake it up a bit just for the sake of it. Probably a bad idea.

Last edited by Suggs_With_A_Box; 12/06/15 10:33 PM.