Originally Posted by cuidadora
P.S. It would be so cool if this Clark could meet Batman, the Doctor (from Doctor Who) or Spider-Man. Are there any fanfics where these meetings happen?

Yes to all three. A search in the archives under Batman, Bruce Wayne, etc. is a good way to start.

Cool. I'll do that later. For now though, what can I say but up, up, and away to the next installment (collective groan from all readers)....

3.14 Tempus Anyone?

OK, first things first. I loved this episode. It was a great tribute to another show that was on at the time, whether that was intentional or not. I am of course referring to Sliders. I love shows/episodes about alternate parallel realities, I just think it's a fascinating concept, the whole idea of how lives can turn out completely different (Yes, I do think It's A Wonderful Life is a great movie before anyone says anything, although it is a little too long). Anyway, this episode was great for that, and also I enjoyed how it explored what it is that makes Clark do the Superman thing. Amazing that even with a completely different life, he still ended up doing it, albeit with some imported Lois Lane help....

Tempus's plan was interesting, and it was fun to see a villain with an actual smart plan for once. I mean right up til the end, everything everyone did was exactly what he anticipated. That's a smart person. I don't like him because he's evil, but I definitely respect his intelligence. He's also funny and charming though, but like I said evil. Hmm, like many politicians. Nice social commentary show....

Lana was a terrible person, but still more fun than her Smallville counterpart. Sorry Smallville fans. I love that show, I've seen every single episode, but I just infinitely prefer this Lana, and also incidentally the Annette O'Toole Lana from Superman 3 (the less said about any Superman movie made after part 2 the better though, so moving on...).

I can see why they kept Dean Cain in the role of Clark, Justin as Jimmy, and Lane as Perry but think if they had recast for this one episode, it would have been interesting for fans. People could have imagined it as a multiverse where alternate actors versions of Superman existed in other realities, which I guess would either be an improvement or a detriment, depending on your point of view, but either way it works.

Okay, the big flaw of the episode. H.G. Wells. Again. Stop it. Just stop showing him. Include Tempus, don't include Wells. HOW DIFFICULT IS THAT SHOW MAKERS?

I've rambled on about this long enough. I don't want to bore people any more than I probably already have so here goes with the grading. Most will likely disagree, but it's my grade, and I'm sticking to this one.


P.S. I think the character of Lois would make a great Doctor Who companion (Any incarnation). I just had an idea for a fanfic or possibly even a series of them. Tempus dumps a Lois from after Season 4 on the Doctor's Earth and the Time Lord (As played by Peter Capaldi) finds her, post Clara. The story follows his attempts to get her back to Clark, and to find and restore his home planet, Gallifrey. The actual story/stories would be about the relationship developing over time and through many adventures, from strangers to friends, and the sadness of them both when it's time to say goodbye.......