4.21 Toy Story.

I thought this was a fun episode, though it wasn't at all what I was expecting. I expected a sequel to Season's Greedings, or maybe Lois and Clark going against living toys created by a mad scientist. Not that a toymaker got mad because a company fired him for saying "Hmm, let's make a Star Trek transporter. I don't know how to do it, but you build it and then give me all the credit, because I suggested it."

I thought that Doctor Klien being kidnapped by toys was very funny, as was when he said about having heard Lois' story. I was very happy when Perry & Alice got back together. This episode was fun, and it was nice to see that Lois is ready for kids, and the story she told was kind of beautiful. All in all, a good episode. I'm looking forward to the last one very much, but also in a different way I'm not because it's hard to believe it's so close to the show being all over.
