I would have posted this last night, but I couldn't access the forum for some reason.

4.12 Lethal Weapon.

A good episode, I enjoyed this one. It’s always fun to see the new effects of red kryptonite on Clark. The evil plot of Inspector... sorry, I mean Mister Gadget was quite good, though not very original, and the acting was great, especially by Leo from The West Wing the guy playing Mister Gadget. I felt really sad for Perry at the end. That last scene he was in was acted perfectly by Lane Smith. I really felt that this was man who had gone through the emotional ringer, and it was very written and acted wonderfully. It wasn’t at all overdone, but it was very sad, and most importantly, it was believable. I think Lane Smith was a gifted actor who deserved more credit than he got, and his performance here raises the score given to this episode, an episode which is a stand out of season 4 in a good way. I’m hoping for some more like this, because I’d like to see the show go out with some dignity.


Last edited by Suggs_With_A_Box; 12/01/15 10:35 PM.