Hey Lynn,
My user name refers to a line from Matt Smith's first episode as The Doctor in Doctor Who where he is referred to by his new companion as "a madman with a box" and Suggs, the singer of one of my favorite bands, Madness. Speaking of user names, it's obvious why Lynn is there for yours, but what does the S.M. mean? Super Man? Sex Machine? Supreme Marshmallow? Soccer Mom?

I'll look for those stories, especially the Queen Of The Capes one, she, along with you, Labrat, and Wendy Richards are my favorite writers on the Archive. I assume from your comment about the school year that you are a teacher or work somehow in that field. Cool. My sister is a deputy principal. I don't know how people can cope with so many kids at once.

Star Trek is cool. My wife and I watched every episode of the original series and the six original cast movies last year. It was fun. You really make a great case for Babylon 5. I'll give it another go. Since you mention Sherlock Holmes, I'll ask. Do you like Sherlock?

Last edited by Suggs_With_A_Box; 12/08/15 10:41 PM.