Groobie, sorry, no joke.

Onwards to 3.10 Virtually Destroyed.

This was a bad episode, albeit with a few interesting ideas. It feels a little like the Pre-Matrix. A hero escapes a virtual reality simulation run by an artificial intelligence that's up to no good. Thankfully, Keanu Reeves has never played Clark Kent/ Superman. I was absolutely amazed by the revelation of Clark's virginity. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL LOIS THAT TWO EPISODES AGO YOU MORON?!! Sorry, it's just very stupid of him, but then again, this is a world where good eyesight is an effective disguise, so I'll do like they say in that Frozen movie: Let It Go (Is Frozen any good?). For a genius, Jaxon was certainly an idiot. His actors did a terrible job, one made worse by the excellence of the regular cast. DC did an especially good job in all three roles. Overall, good ideas badly executed.

I'm gonna give this 6/10.