4.18 Shadow Of A Doubt.

Not a bad episode, at least not in comparison to the previous one. Forget next year's Batman V Superman, 1997 brings you Superman Vs The Vashta Nerada. OK, maybe not, but that would be cool, I'd pay good money to see that. Anyway, back on topic. Lois & Clark seemed a little off in the episode. In the last one, they were all over each other. In this, not even so much as a peck on the cheek. Bit odd.

At last, they're finally using the plot of Lex knowing The Secret. Too bad it's just that his son is finding out, I think they could have done more with it. Maybe play the tape to the whole world? It's what I would do if I were Lex Jr. I'd also send a sniper to Kansas, whilst keeping Clark busy in Metropolis. I wouldn't do that for real though, but I just think if I were as evil as these villains make out they are, and had Lex Jr's resources and supposed intelligence, and knew The Secret, I'd really waste no time making Clark suffer.

Other than the showmakers wanting the characters/ status quo for future episodes, I don't get why the villains never do anything like these ideas. It would certainly make them seem more evil. Ah well, just rambling, sorry. I'm looking forward to part 3 now.


Last edited by Suggs_With_A_Box; 12/06/15 06:04 PM.